Sunday, April 27, 2008

Big is "bigger" than small

The title might sound a little "redundant" or for a few a pun. The essence of the title, hopefully, will be understood from the narration.

The trigger for this article was an insurance advertisement. The essence of the advertisement is this: At your young age, as a boy you restricted your desires to be obedient to your parent; at youth you tolerated the nusances at your work place for your family, in middle age you gave up your preferences for your kids, now that you are retired live your life freely, for yourself and not for others. That threw a fundamental quesiton in my mind. As a person, am I not choosing my options ?

In life, we are always left with quesitons of 'importance' , 'priority', 'weightage' - call it by any
name. I believe, if everyone shall have infinite availability of everything - material, time, age, ability, energy - ooph I could complete the list only if I shall have infinte resources - probably then we do not have to prioritize. We might learn to develop some kind of patience to wait for our things done. But naturally it is not the case.

In life, everyone is subjected to choose his priority. Recently I was reading an interview from Sachin Tendulkar. He had been practising cricket from the age of 4. He had mentioned that there had been times when he wanted to play with neighbourhood children but could not do as he had to go for "net practice". Had he lost his childhood freedom ? Probably currently also his stardom will not allow him to live a normal life. Had he lost his enjoyment of life ? The answers for such questions are probably in affirmative if not totally, at least partially. But what it results is - not only for Sachin, but for many ordinent cricket lovers - is Sachin!!!!

One cannot have the cake and eat it too. In life, one has to set priorities on his own way - and like any other learning, during childhood these prirorities are set by elders - and enjoy the outcome of it. To achieve "big" tomorrow, one has to forego some "small" today. Now, it is upto individuals to decide what is "big" and what is "small".

The one who denies to realize the fact that today is yesterday's tomorrow is a fool for he does not realize that his actions today is the seed for results tomorrow. Thus he might never create "the future".

The one does not recognise the fact that tomorrow will be today tomorrow is also a fool for he has not recognized the results today are due to the actions of yesterday. Thus he might never relish "the present". Probably only in this context, Jesus had said - "Tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble".

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